About the Project

America was built on rivers. They fostered growth, facilitated commerce, built industry and created community and helped unite the States.

Rivers connect us with nature and through nature we connect to ourselves. American Rivers Tour is based upon one man’s thirst for discovery as he fishes his way across the country, exploring the tastes and sights along the way and shares the stories of people who are finding meaning in their endeavors.

“Many men go fishing all of their lives without knowing that it is not fish they are after”
– Henry David Thoreau

Through photographs, videos shot by local filmmakers, blogposts, and recipes from local chefs, we will travel the river map of America—guided by host Colin Ambrose—as he lives his dream. For each river tour, he has chosen an expert guide who will share tips and secrets about fishing, as well as a chef who is passionate about his local fare, as well as fishing and cooking in the outdoors. Together as they fish and later dine on the chef’s creations, they will tell tales, share resources, and show us the beauty, history, creativity and ingenuity found along the rivers and people all across America.

The American Rivers Tour Itinerary

Before Colin Ambrose decided to embark on the American Rivers Tour, he made his bucket list of the rivers and places that he would like to fish across the United States. Beginning with his first trip to the Chagrin River in Ohio in April of 2017, we can follow Colin as he explores rivers from Long Island, New York to California. Watch the map evolve as the tour continues. Each trip is documented through a story in Colin’s own words, photographs, and episodic videos.

American Rivers Tour map of all rivers visited

Use this interactive Google map to explore in more detail.

Click on a pin to reveal location and name of river.

Watch the American Rivers Tour Episodes in our playlist!

We’ve compiled a selection of our favorite videos here: